
KORI - Laudi Vidni


Who are you?I'm a creative strategist by day at an experiential marketing agency. In addition to my 9-5, I'm the founder and curator of the black chambe... Was there a...


Who are you?I'm a creative strategist by day at an experiential marketing agency. In addition to my 9-5, I'm the founder and curator of the black chambe... Was there a...

STEVEN - Laudi Vidni


Was there a moment when you realized you were you?Yeah, helping guys know about great brands helped me know myself better and helped me know what I like to do....


Was there a moment when you realized you were you?Yeah, helping guys know about great brands helped me know myself better and helped me know what I like to do....

KC - Laudi Vidni


Who are you?I am KC Ortiz, a Chicago based...Have you always been you or did you grow into yourself?I had to grow into myself. I have always had people..


Who are you?I am KC Ortiz, a Chicago based...Have you always been you or did you grow into yourself?I had to grow into myself. I have always had people..

ADIT - Laudi Vidni


Who are you?Someone who isn't afraid of...Have you always been you?I grew up struggling finding my identity but...


Who are you?Someone who isn't afraid of...Have you always been you?I grew up struggling finding my identity but...

CHARLENE - Laudi Vidni


Who are you? I am a Black Chicagoan who loves my people. I am a writer and lover of... Have you always been you?I grew into myself through reading, community...


Who are you? I am a Black Chicagoan who loves my people. I am a writer and lover of... Have you always been you?I grew into myself through reading, community...

CHUFUE - Laudi Vidni


Who are you?I’m Chufue. Chufue Yang. I’m an actor, model, artist, and empath. What event in life has shaped you most as a person, and how?I come from a family...


Who are you?I’m Chufue. Chufue Yang. I’m an actor, model, artist, and empath. What event in life has shaped you most as a person, and how?I come from a family...