KORI - Laudi Vidni


Who are you?
I'm a creative strategist by day at an experiential marketing agency. In addition to my 9-5, I'm the founder and curator of the black chamber music experience D-Composed. When I really have time, I cover events and activities and all sorts of fun things to do on my blog TheChicagolite.com.

Was there a moment when you realized you were you?
I first realized I was me when I went to Spelman, an HBCU (Historically Black College or University). It was the first time I was surrounded by so many brilliant women who looked like me. It was inspiring to be around people who you knew would go on to do great things. Because everyone I went to school with was so incredible, Spelman taught me how to hustle and it was then that I realized the importance of creating a legacy with impact.

What do you wish people understood about you?
To be frank, I'm not really seeking to be understood. As I get older, I care less and less about outside validation. I believe the people who get it just get it, but I'm not trying to convince anyone to understand me.

What event in life has shaped you most as a person, and how?
I would have to say, when I started playing the violin at about 5 or 6. I played until I was 16 and then quit as I didn't like practicing and I wanted to just hangout with friends. Even though at the time I hated the violin, my parents did a phenomenal job of introducing me to the world of fine arts. It wasn't until I got older that I realized the beauty of that world and I wanted to make my way back into it by creating fine arts experiences. It's funny how you think you are closing one chapter but if I never played the violin and later quit it, I'm pretty sure D-Composed wouldn't exist. Every single moment in life leads you to where you are today.

Is there a quote or motto that you live by?
In life one who risks nothing, gains nothing.

Tell us about your Laudi Vidni bag.
I love the unique shape of the Rondo. It's the perfect size to fit all my essentials and it's great for when I'm on the go. I really wanted a bag that was eye-catching and distinct. Sticking to basic colors just didn't seem right so I went the vibrant route. I essentially wanted to see how many colors I could get into one bag without it looking too crazy. Luckily, I was able to design a pretty cool bag based on the wide array of colored leathers that perfectly compliment each other. It's been quite the eye-catcher and it's easily one of my favorite handbags.

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